In the end though, it was clear that Blackbeard saw her as a pawn like everyone else, as he was perfectly willing to threaten and sacrifice her in order to get what he wanted, especially when he chose to save himself rather than his own child, which ultimately resulted in his death.īlackbeard has also shown to have very little regard for the life of mermaids, viewing them as insentient beings. Blackbeard even told Jack Sparrow that his daughter was the only good thing he's ever done in his life. After his vicious pirate years, he devoted himself into teaching her the ways of a worthy pirate, teaching her his ways of sword-fighting and various other skills. On rare occasions, he has shown to have a form of affection for his daughter, Angelica Teach, having her entrusted under the care of nuns to ensure her well being. The pirate was known to be argumentative and cruel to his prisoners, often torturing them mostly for his own selfish amusement, even admitting that seeing anguish, pain and suffering make him closer to God. Therefore, he sought the legendary Fountain of Youth and became far more serious with his goals when he had to deal with Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. The dark captain sailed the seas and, as the years passed, his age began to catch up with him.

He was portrayed by Ian McShane, who also played Judas Iscariot in Jesus of Nazareth, Dr. He is also a pirate that every pirate in the world is afraid of (presumably and arguably apart from Hector Barbossa and Davy Jones), due to his supernatural powers and ruthlessness. He is an infamous pirate, based on the real-life pirate of the same name, who wishes to claim the Fountain of Youth for himself. If I don't make it to the fountain in time, neither will you.Ĭaptain Edward Teach, or better known as Blackbeard, is the main antagonist of the 2011 live-action Disney film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and a posthumous antagonist in its 2017 sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

If I don't kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am. And what fate befall mutineers? Now, we know the answer to that, do we not? Mutineers. What be that, first mate? (Angelica: Mutiny, Captain.) Again? (Angelica: Mutiny!) Aye. Sailors abandoning their post without orders, without leave.